SuperMom’s is committed to providing our customers with safe, high-quality products while complying with all applicable industry standards and regulatory requirements. Our experienced and qualified Food Safety and Quality Assurance team leverages a risk-based hazard analysis critical control point (HACCP) and preventive program from farm-to-fork to ensure product safety, security, quality and wholesomeness. We maintain stringent internal standards and regular audits.

Our management team is committed to ensuring safe and high-quality food for our customers. We understand the important role our food safety and quality programs play in protecting our consumers and brands. Our products are prepared to meet high quality and safety standards, and we are constantly enhancing our rigorous food-safety policies and procedures to reflect evolving scientific knowledge, consumer expectations, and regulatory standards. SuperMom’s food safety culture extends through all levels of our company - we all understand that food safety is everyone’s responsibility.

Successful food safety programs depend on people, and all employees at SuperMom’s are trained extensively on safe food handling practices, adequate hand washing procedures, Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs), HACCP, food security, allergen control, critical control points (CCPs), color coding, and proper cleaning procedures.

SuperMom’s is committed to making safe, quality food. That starts with understanding our processes, which we identify in our Food Safety and Food Quality plans. We use preventive controls as required by the FDA under the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA), including a careful hazard analysis of all our ingredients and processes.